That's what my mother had to say about the banana bread from Papa Tofu (a superawesome cookzine).

My mother had a bunch of extra bananas hanging around the house this weekend and asked if I could do something with them.
Me: What? Like juggle?
Mom: something.
Me: Bake?
Mom: Yes. I want banana bread (it sometimes takes her a while to stop beating around the bush).
So I brought down my cookbooks and tried to talk her into all sorts of other crazy banana-related sweets, but she insisted on plain banana bread. I'm glad she did because this stuff rules. In the zine, kittee suggests toasting the walnuts, which really brings out their flavor and makes every nutful bite a treat (I don't usually like nuts in my baked goods, but looked forward to finding the walnuts in this bread). My mother liked it so much she doesn't want anyone else in the house to eat it (since I made it for her), but she reserved a large piece for my grandmother, who loves banana bread.
When I said I really liked this bread and I'd definitely make it again, there were cheers all around. That's two baking successes in one week. Wooha!

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